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sustainability Planning



Sustainable East is a specialist sustainability planning practice founded in 2019. We specialise in the nexus between sustainability, spatial data analytics and land use planning.

We have a commitment to sustainable development, promoting local food production, protecting retaining remnant vegetation and fostering circularity.

our approach:

Decarbonisation & Nature
Developing project outcomes that support the dual purpose of carbon reduction and protection and enhancement of the natural environment to address the biodiversity crisis.

Technology to deliver results
We love maps and we love data. We specialise in data analytics and GIS to deliver on projects driving sustainable planning. We also regularly deliver significant
web-hosting customisation through our cloud based partner Giraffe.

Flexible & global
Our specialised work means we sit across different timezones with a diverse range of project partners. With a network team across the UK and Australia, we are currently working on projects in Australia, Asia and Europe. Our clients range from local councils, government agencies, universities and major engineering/Big 4.




what’s in the name?


sustainable East has a dual meaning

We see our name representing the criticality of sustainable development and the eastward shift of global growth. Sustainable East acknowledges the importance of the Asian Century and the sustainability and planning challenges and opportunities this brings to Australia.

“The Asian Century scenario extends Asia’s past success into the future, putting it on the cusp of a historic transformation.

In this scenario, Asia’s GDP (at market exchange rates) increases from $17 trillion in 2010 to $174 trillion in 2050, or half of global GDP, similar to its share of the global population.”

Asian Development Bank – Asia 2050: Realising the Asian Century
